Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Supreme Court stays proceeding against Salman Khan for alleged remarks against a community

The Supreme Court on Monday stayed criminal proceedings and the enquiry initiated against Bollywood actor Salman Khan for allegedly making derogatory comments against ‘Valmiki’ community members during the promotion of film ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’

A Bench comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra considered the submission of senior advocate N.K. Kaul, representing Mr. Khan, that the proceedings be stayed.

The senior advocate said that some criminal cases were lodged against the actor at Delhi, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Mumbai.

The Bench asked Mr. Kaul to provide the details of the cases pending against Mr. Khan and ordered that proceedings in those matters shall remain stayed.

Mr. Khan had allegedly made some objectionable remarks against the community during the promotion of Bollywood flick ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ and subsequently several proceedings were lodged against him under penal provisions under the SC/ST(Prevention of Atrocities) Act.

Monday, April 16, 2018

वर्षका उत्कृष्ट अभिनेता

चलचित्र : छक्का पञ्जा–२ शत्रु गते

हास्यश्रृंखला तीतो सत्य निर्देशन गरेर यो विधामा अब्बल सावित भैसकेका दीपकराज गिरीले कथा, पटकथा, संवाद जस्ता विधामा कमल चलाए पनि गिरीले चलचित्रमा भने आफूलाई अभिनेताका रुपमै सीमित राखेका छन् । दीपकराजले मुख्य भूमिका निर्वाह गरेका दुई चलचित्र यो वर्ष व्यवसायिक रुपमा समेत अत्यन्त सफल रहे । 

चलचित्र : कृ

चकलेटी अभिनेता अनमोलले यो वर्ष जम्मा एउटा मात्र चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरे । आफ्नै बुवा भुवन केसी तथा निर्माता सुवास गिरीद्वारा निर्देशित उक्त चलचित्र छायांकनको दिनदेखि नै चर्चामा रह्यो । चलचित्रले औसतभन्दा राम्रो व्यवसाय गरे पनि अनमोल केसीको अभिनय तथा भूमिकाको चौतर्फी प्रसंसा भयो । वर्षमा एक भन्दा बढी चलचित्रमा अभिनय नगर्ने कारणले पनि अनमोलका चलचित्रहरू दर्शकको प्रतीक्षाको सूचीमा रहन्छन् । 

चलचित्र : प्रेमगीत–२ तथा लिलिबिली

अनमोल केसी जत्तिकै लोकप्रिय छन् युवा अभिनेता प्रदीप खड्का । यो वर्ष उनले अभिनय गरेका दुई चलचित्र प्रदर्शनमा आए–प्रेमगीत–२ तथा लिलिबिली । प्रेमगीत–२ को व्यवसाय उत्कृष्ट रह्यो । प्रदीपको अभिनयलाई दर्शकले मन पराए । खासगरी युवतीहरू प्रदीपका डाइहार्ट फ्यान नै भए । प्रदीप वर्षको अन्तिम दिन अर्थात आज शुक्रवार प्रदर्शनमा आउने चलचित्र ‘लिलिबिली’ मा समेतसशक्त भूमिकामा प्रस्तुत भएका छन् । 

चलचित्र : म यस्तो गीत गाउँछु, जोनी जेन्टलम्यान तथा शत्रु गते

म्युजिक भिडियोमा अत्यन्त रुचाइएका मोडल हुन्— पल शाह । भिडियोमा उनको क्रेज देखेरै निर्माता–निर्देशकले उनलाई चलचित्रको अभिनेता बनाएका हुन् । यो वर्ष पलले अभिनय गरेका तीन वटा चलचित्र प्रदर्शनमा आए । तीमध्ये जोनी जेन्टलम्यान व्यवसायिक रुपमा असफल भयो भने म यस्तो गीत गाउँछु औसत रह्यो । धेरै कलाकारहरूको भूमिका रहेको शत्रुगते व्यवसायिक रूपमा सफल भयो, जसमा पलले पनि महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गरेका छन् । 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

डेब्युको प्रतीक्षामा सम्भावित Star

इन्डियन प्रिमियर लिग (आईपीएल) स्थापनाका धेरै कारणमध्ये एउटा कारण थियो, भारतमा अब्बल दर्जाको क्रिकेट खेलाडीको खोजी । पछि आईपीएलको महत्त्वकांक्षा बढ्दै गयो र उसले आफूलाई विश्वकै सबैभन्दा ठूलो क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिताको रूप दिन चाह्यो । त्यसका लागि विदेशी खेलाडी चाहियो नै, त्यतिले नपुगेर उसले गैरटेस्ट देशहरूतर्फ पनि आँखा लगाउन थाल्यो । यसको स्पष्ट कारण हो, प्रतियोगितालाई साँच्चिकै ‘ग्लोबल’ बनाउने । यी सबै कारणको पृष्ठभूमिमा यी पाँच खेलाडीले प्रतियोगितामा डेब्यु गर्दा सबैको नजर उनीहरूमाथि नै हुनेछ । 
सन्दीप लामिछाने
नेपाली लेग स्पिनर सन्दीप लामिछानेका लागि आईपीएलमा खेल्न पाउनु साँच्चिकै ठूलो अवसर हो । अझ भन्नुपर्दा उनको प्रदर्शनले धेरै हदसम्म नेपाली क्रिकेटको भविष्यसमेत निर्धारण गर्नेछ । सन्दीपलाई किनेर दिल्ली डेयरडेभिल्स पनि कम फाइदामा छैन । अहिले सन्दीपसँगै दिल्ली टिम पनि चर्चामा छ । एक प्रकारले सन्दीपलाई अनुबन्ध गरेर दिल्लीले आफ्ना प्रशंसकको संख्या बढाएको छ र यो भारतीय राजधानीको सीमा तोडेर भौगोलिक रूपमा अर्को देशसम्म पनि पुगेको छ । यता नेपाली क्रिकेट प्रशंसकहरू भने त्यो दिनको व्यग्र प्रतीक्षामा छन्, जति बेला सन्दीपले आईपीएलमा पहिलो खेल खेल्नेछन् । 
मुजिब अर रहमान
अफगानी क्रिकेटका सनसनी मुजिब अर रहमान पनि यसपटकको संस्करणसँगै आईपीएलमा डेब्यु गर्दैछन् । रहमान अफगान क्रिकेटका ठूला स्टार हुन् । उनले आफ्नो स्पिन बलिङ आक्रमणका कारण सबैको मन जितेका छन् र यसै क्रममा उनी किङ्स इलेभेन पञ्जावको पनि मन जित्न सफल भए । टिमका बलिङ प्रशिक्षक बेंकटेस प्रसादले उनलाई टिमकै प्रमुख बलर बनाउने योजना बनाइरहेका छन्, यसबाट पनि प्रस्ट हुन्छ, उनी कत्तिको स्तरीय बलर हुन् ? पञ्जाबले उनलाई ४ करोड भारतीय रुपैयाँ तिर्न दुई पटक सोचेन । भर्खर १६ वर्ष पुगेका रहमानले अफगान यू–१९ बाट प्रसिद्ध कमाउन थालेका हुन् । 
पृथ्वी शा
दिल्ली डेयरडेभिल्समा सन्दीप लामिछानेका साथी खेलाडी हुनेछन्— पृथ्वी शा । पृथ्वी भारतीय यू–१९ टिमका कप्तान हुन् र उनकै नेतृत्वमा त हो, भारतले हालै मात्र युवा विश्वकप जितेको । पृथ्वीलाई भारतीय क्रिकेटको भविष्यका सबैभन्दा ठूलो स्टारका रूपमा हेरिएको छ । त्यसैले यसपटकको आईपीएल खेलाडी लिलामीमा उनले राम्रै मूल्य पाए । सुरुमा उनलाई मुम्बई इन्डियन्स र किङ्स इलेभेन पञ्जाबले किन्न खोजे पनि उनी भए— दिल्लीका खेलाडी । त्यसका लागि दिल्लीले उनलाई १ करोड २० लाख भारतीय रुपैयाँ तिर्‍यो । मुम्बई, थानेका यी खेलाडीले प्रथम श्रेणीको क्रिकेटमा पाँच शतक प्रहार गरिसकेका छन् । 
जोफ्रा आर्चर
बारबाडोजमा जन्मिएर पनि वेस्ट इन्डिजका लागि होइन, इंग्ल्यान्डका लागि खेल्न आतुर छन्, जोफ्रा आर्चर । मूलत: बलर आर्चर गज्जबका ट्वान्टी–२० खेलाडी हुन् । अहिले वेस्ट इन्डिज क्रिकेटले टेस्ट र वान डे दुवैमा राम्रो गर्न सकिरहेको छैन, तर यही तथ्य ट्वान्टी–२० मा भने लागू हुँदैन । अस्ट्ेरलिया, बंगलादेश र पाकिस्तानमा ट्वान्टी–२० क्रिकेट खेलेयता आर्चर अब आईपीएलमा डेब्यु गर्ने क्रममा छन् र उनलाई राजस्थान रोयल्सले अविश्वसनीय रूपमा ७ करोड २० लाख भारतीय रुपैयाँमा किनेको छ । आर्चरको एउटा ठूलो विशेषता हो— स्तरीय फिल्डिङ । 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Rani Pokhary will be built in an old style

Rani Pokhary will be built in an old style 
In the old style, the originality of Rani Pokhari will be constructed. The dispute arising out of the construction of RaniPakhari and problem will be resolved by the dispute and will be constructed immediately without ignoring its originality. Ranikpakhari will be rebuilt on the basis of the suggestions of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ministry, the Committee of the Commando Metropolitan Department, Archeology Department and experts.

Rani Pokhary will be built in an old style 
Culture, tourism and civil aviation minister, Kathmandu, said that the decision was made to immediately immediately restore the originality of Rani Pokhari due to discussion with Chief of the Metropolitan University Vidya Sundar Shakya, Archaeological Department, Bhattarainarayana Dahal in Kathmandu. The concrete used in the Rani Pokhari Renaissance will be immediately removed and will be constructed immediately in the old style. Similarly, the construction work of the Dharra has decided to shut down the construction of the physical structure immediately under the intensity and construction of the surrounding world.

The meeting has decided to make immediate construction work immediately after the release of Kalamandap on August 5. Speaking by the discussion with the central, local government and the concerned bodies, Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, who said that the dispute between the cultural structures and the construction of cultural structures.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Hanuman Dhoka

Hanuman Dhoka is a complex of structures with the Royal Palace of the Malla kings and also of the Shah dynasty in the Durbar Square of central Kathmandu, Nepal. It is spread over five acres. The Hanuman Dhoka Palace (Hanuman Dhoka Darbar in Nepali) gets its name from the stone image of Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god, that sits near the main entryway. 'Dhoka' means door or gate in Nepali.


The eastern wing with ten courtyards is the oldest part dated to the mid 16th century. It was expanded by King Pratap Malla in the 17th century with many temples. Sundari Chok and Mohan Chok in the north part of the palace are both closed. In 1768, in the southeast part of the palace, four lookout towers were added by Prithvi Narayan Shah. The royal family lived in this palace till 1886, where after they shifted to Narayanhiti Palace. The stone inscription outside is in fifteen languages and legend states that if all the 15 are read milk would spring from the middle of stone table.

Hanuman Gate

The "Hanuman Dhoka" proper, or Hanuman Gate, is located on the west side of Durbar Square. It is the entry gate to the palace, where a standing statue of Hanuman (monkey god), dated to 1672, guards the palace. Hanuman is decked with a red cloth and an umbrella. The face is smeared with a red paste. On the left is a stone sculpture dated to 1673 of Lord Narasimha (the half-man, half lion incarnation of Lord Vishnu), devouring the demon Hiranyakashipu, which is credited to Pratap Malla period according to an inscription on the pedestal of the image.

Nasal Chok

Ahead of the main entrance, adjoining the Hanuman Temple is the Nasal Chok courtyard ('Nasal' means "dancing one") named after the image of dancing Shiva located on the east side of the square. This is the square where Birendra was crowned as king in 1975, on the platform in the middle of the courtyard. At the south side of the courtyard, stands the nine storey Basantapur Tower. While the courtyard was built during Malla Period, the buildings around it, which depict intricately carved doorways, windows, and struts, were creations of the Rana rulers. Nasal Chok is rectangular in a north–south direction with entrance from the northwest corner. Near the entrance is an intricately carved doorway with carvings of four gods that leads to the private apartments of Malla king.A golden image of Maha Vishnu is seen now in an open veranda on the eastern wall, as the original Maha Vishnu Temple in the square, which housed this image, was destroyed in the 1934 Nepal–Bihar earthquake. Other structures in the courtyard are: the Audience Chamber of the Malla kings in the northeast corner, the throne of the Malla kings in an open verandah and portraits of the Shah Kings.

The Panch Mukhi Hanuman Temple (five faced Hanuman) dedicated to Hanuman is in the northeast corner of the Nasal Chok. It has a unique design of five circular roofs. The temple priest is the only person who can enter the sanctum of the temple.

The Basantapur Tower ('Basantpur' means "place of Spring") is located on the south of Nasal Chok. It is a nine-storey tower from the top of which a panoramic view of the palace and city could be seen. Erotic images are carved on the struts of this tower. This tower is one of the four red towers that King Prithvi Narayan Shah built delimiting the four old cities of the Kathmandu Valley namely, the Kathmandu or the Basantapur Tower, the Kirtipur Tower, the Bhaktapur Tower or Lakshmi Bilas, and the Patan or Lalitpur Tower

Mul Chok

Mul Chok, dedicated to Taleju Bhawani, is a courtyard with two storey buildings all round that are exclusive places for religious rites. Taleju Bhawani is the tutelary goddess of the Malla family. Taleju Temple with a golden torana (door garland) is located to the south side of the courtyard. During the Dasain festival, the deity of Taleju is shifted to this temple. The entrance to the temple is flanked with images of the river goddesses Ganges and Yamuna. Degu Taleju Temple is another triple-roofed temple built by Shiva Singh Malla that is also dedicated to Taleju.

Mohan Chok

Mohan Chok, built in 1649 to the north of Nasal Chok, was the residential courtyard of the Malla kings. It was mandatory for a Malla king to be born here to become heir to the throne; an example cited to this belief is that of Jaya Prakash Malla who faced difficulties. At the center of the courtyard, there is a golden waterspout, known as Sun Dhara, said to be spring sourced from Budhanilkantha, in the north part of Valley. It is an ornately carved spout sunk several metres below the courtyard level and the Malla kings used it for their daily ablutions. The four corners have towers. To the north of this chok is the Sundari Chok.


On the west side of Nasal Chok, the Tribhuwan Museum has exhibits of items of the grandfather of King Birendra. Exquisite stone carvings, several impressive thrones, jewel-studded ornaments used for coronations, weapons, furniture, wooden temple carvings and a coin collection are on display at the museum. King Tribhuwan's bedroom, study and personal effects have been recreated and preserved here. This part of the palace, next to Durbar Square, was built by the Ranas in the mid to late 19th century.